
8 Workouts You Can Do In 8 Minutes Or Less (With No Gym)

Sometimes I don’t have an hour every day to dedicate to the gym.   So I have just one question for you….

Can you spare 8 minutes for a workout?

Literally every person reading this post can get a KILLER workout in, in just 8 minutes… And the best part is, most of these workouts don’t even require equipment.  Just you and your own body weight.  The few that do require equipment are pretty basic like dumbbells and kettlebells.

Let’s get started…

Home Workouts…

1.  Push & Burp

This one created plenty of comments when I posted the video of me sucking wind as I did opposing ladders of push ups and burpees.  The video clocks in at 8 minutes and 26 seconds including intro and text screens, so you can definitely get it done in 8 minutes or less.  The Push & Burp workout is 9 push ups followed by 1 burpee, 8 push ups followed by 2 burpees. . . all the way until you do 1 push up and 9 burpees.  Equipment required: none.


2.  Pull n’ Push

Maximum strict pull-ups followed by maximum pushups.  Hit the major pushing and pulling muscles of the upper body with this classic super set.  Set the clock for 8 minutes and get through as many sets as you can.  Count your total reps and try to beat that number the next time you do the drill.  Equipment required: pull up bar.

3.  Hurts so Good

Do five dive bombers followed by 10 lunge jumps (five each side).  See how many rounds you can get through in eight minutes.  Equipment required: none.

4.  Walking Lunge – Burpee combo

Take 20 walking lunge steps and then do 10 burpees.  Repeat 5 times.  I do this one with a 20lb. vest on occasion and my legs are sore for days!  Equipment needed: none (weight vest optional).

5.  You Gotta Tabata!

Tabata squat (watch the speed below) followed by Tabata push ups. If you have never tried Tabata intervals, they are brutal and perfect for when you are crunched for time.  A Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated 8 times.  That’s four minutes total per exercise for all of you mathematicians out there.  Equipment needed: An interval timer.  I like this one you can find online here: interval timer.

6.  Death By Swinging

Perform 20 kettlebell swings followed by maximum kipping pull-ups (this means you can swing your body).  If your pull up bar is too low or not strong enough for kips, just do strict pull ups.  But the kipping pull-up combined with the swings will get that heart rate cranking!  Complete as many rounds as possible in eight minutes.  Equipment needed: 1 kettlebell and a pull up bar.

See also  5 ‘Body Recomposition’ Workouts to Slim Down for Good

pull up workout

7. One Arm Dumbbell Snatch Ladder

An awesome drill for explosiveness and metabolic conditioning.  Do 1 dumbbell power snatch with the left and then do 1 with the right.  Do 2 with the left, and then 2 with the right.  Keep going until you complete 5 with the left and 5 with the right.

If your heart doesn’t feel like it’s about the explode from your chest and you feel like you could take it to sixes, then your dumbbell was too light.  Grab a heavier one and try again!  Equipment needed: 1 dumbbell.

8. The Man Maker

I’ve seen a few variations of this drill, but this is the way I typically have clients do it.  Start in a standing position with a dumbbell in each hand.  I find that 20lb or 25lb dumbbells work good for an average male client.

You’ll also want to use the hex style dumbbells so you can lay them flat.  Squat down until the dumbbells are flat on the ground.  Kick your feet back into the top of the push-up position, with your feet a little wider than normal.  Do a push up followed immediately by a one arm row with the left.  Do another push-up followed by a one arm row with the right.  Spring your feet forward so you are again in the squat position.  Power clean the dumbbells to the shoulder and then push press them overhead. That’s one rep.

See how many you can get through in 8 minutes.  Enjoy!  Required equipment: 2 dumbbells.

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What do you think? 

Do you like working out at home?

Take a minute and leave me a comment below to let me know. 

See also  International Yoga Day

I’d really appreciate your feedback on this…

– Vic(Old Author)

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