
Best Chest Exercises | Best Chest Exercises for Mass

Ever wonder how the guy next you is benching so much?

Well, I can tell you it didn’t happen overnight. It comes with hard work and a mixture of the 10 things I am going to talk about today for the best chest exercises. Personally bench press took a long time to master for myself but once I incorporated the following 10 tips my chest workout shot the roof.

Let’s look into how you can increase your bench press…


#1 Improve Your Technique For The Best Chest Workout

This tip is so very important and often times get overlooked. When performing your bench press the correct way it will improve your strength but also it will ultimately avoid injury.

Make sure when you are gripping the bar close to your wrists, not your fingers. Also, when grabbing the bar makes sure you are squeezing the bar, try to break it apart as if you were breaking a noodle. This will also activate your triceps muscles, which is your secondary muscle group for bench press.

Tighten your upper back and pull your shoulder blades together, this gives your body a solid bases to press from. Also use your legs, drive yourself into the bench this puts pressure on your upper back and traps again building a solid base.

Always push in a straight line, keep the bar above your elbows at all times. A good tip that I often use is picking a point on the ceiling where you want the bar to go.


See also  13 Effective Jawline Exercises To Try- HealthifyMe

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