
When To Get an Astrology Reading for Maximum Insights

Chances are your calendar is already booked with various appointments to take care of yourself (especially if you’re a Virgo): your yearly physical, a regular therapist appointment, maybe even a few manicures thrown in for good measure. But for the spiritual of us, there’s one appointment you might need to make but don’t know it yet, and that’s with an astrologer.

No matter our age, we turn to astrologers because we seek understanding. There is tons of personal information nestled into our astrology charts, and unlocking this knowledge can lead to lightbulb moments or big pivots. These are the benefits of the astrologer’s lens and knowledge.

As an astrologer, I can say with confidence that there isn’t a wrong time to book an astrology reading. But there are key moments in life where we may want a little extra clarity as we navigate the road ahead. Maybe you’re feeling stuck on a certain path, or are struggling to make a life-changing decision. These moments often align with specific cosmic seasons, and we can be more equipped to handle stormy times with a little guidance from an astrologer.

Here are five particularly opportune times to book a personal astrology reading—periods where you might want the unique guidance an astrologer has to offer.

1. Your birthday

Your birthday is also known as your solar return, when the sun returns to its natal placement in your chart. At this time, your energy might feel boosted and, generally, this transit can make us feel radiant. If you’re booking with a reader interpreting the current transits and your personal chart, a birthday reading gives you the chance to learn what types of energies you will be working with in the year ahead. An astrologer could also help forecast any potential pitfalls, or let you know the major themes to be aware of over the coming year. This information can help you manage your energy. Ask in advance if they will interpret the transits for your upcoming year to get the most in-depth predictions.

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2. Your Saturn return

This is a transit that occurs around the age of 30, and it signifies when Saturn returns to its original placement in our natal charts. As the planet of karma, discipline, and restriction, our Saturn return can mark a time when we are forced to see our lives more clearly—and take a deeper level of responsibility for our actions. Think of it as a cosmic coming-of-age. Often, this two-plus-year cycle feels challenging, and comes with lessons that help us to evolve. This transit can prompt us to seek answers that our charts might reveal to us, and a reading might help make the transition a little less painful.

3. Your Uranus opposition

Similar to a Saturn return, our Uranus opposition happens around the age of 42. This is when Uranus is in direct opposition to our natal Uranus placement. It can be a time marked by a crisis of faith, a struggle in relationships with others, or an internal struggle. Sometimes, this is referred to as a mid-life crisis transit. There’s nothing to fear in advance, but it can be a good time to see an astrologer around this age to dive into your cosmic blueprint. Let them know that you’d like to learn about placements related to legacy, spirituality, or whatever issue has arisen for you.

4. During a “dark night of the soul”

The dark night of the soul can happen at any age throughout adulthood, and it is a stretch of transformative growth often ignited by a traumatic event. This is a season when your awareness of synchronicities is heightened, or you feel suddenly unsatisfied with something consistent or stable in your life. You might grapple with huge existential questions. This shaky period is an opportune time to book a chart reading and learn more about yourself. If you can, let the reader know in advance that you’d like to gain understanding around your purpose, gifts, and any specific questions your dark night has unearthed for you.

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5. When you’re curious

The last recommendation for booking your reading is more intuitive—just when you feel inclined to do so. If you’ve never booked a reading and this curiosity has been rising within you, I suggest that you do it! It’s likely that there’s something that your soul is seeking, and it can be incredible to learn what has been lingering or left unidentified around your own self-awareness.

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