
Fitness Strategies to Start Now & Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Halloween is the beginning of a few months of holiday celebrations. It’s a fun time of year to celebrate and enjoy traditions. Unfortunately, many activities include decadent treats, which means there’s a risk of holiday weight gain if you aren’t careful.

You don’t need to deprive yourself during the holiday season. At the same time, it’s smart to find a balance to avoid going overboard with candy, desserts, and savory meals. If you want to avoid too much holiday weight gain, then right now is the perfect opportunity to get on track with your diet and fitness goals.

Don’t Wait for New Year’s Resolutions

The temptation in the holiday season is to relax eating and exercise habits, with the intention of starting fresh at the beginning of the year. But why wait a few more months to implement your fitness and health goals? You want long-term results, which means you need to be putting in the work throughout the year.

In fact, fall can be the perfect time of year to double-down on your diet and exercise goals. Now that the kids are back in school, parents have a little more time to fit in a workout or meal prep. Also, the cooler weather sets the perfect, crisp conditions to exercise outside.

How do you want to feel through the 4th quarter as we usher in 2022? You can start the New Year in great shape by implementing these goals right now.

Common Challenges in the Holiday Season

Do you find it hard to manage your calories during the last few months of the year? Oversized bags of Halloween treats come through the door. Baking starts for Thanksgiving. And Christmas parties include endless drinks and delicious appetizers. You can enjoy these indulgences if you have a good plan in place to avoid going overboard.

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One rule of thumb to consider is finding a balance between the foods you have at home and the things you are offered at social events. If you are on-track with healthy meals and daily exercise, then there’s room to fit in a slice of pie or an extra drink. The key is to be proactive about good habits at home so you have a little more wiggle-room in your calories when you are offered your favorite treats.

Small strategies add up to big results, helping you avoid holiday weight gain. When you are on-track with your diet and fitness goals right now, you don’t have to set the same-old “lose weight” goal at the beginning of the year. Instead, you can shed a few pounds or maintain your current weight through the end of the year, and focus your New Year’s resolutions on something unique.

Sustainable Health Goals to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Instead of trying to overhaul your lifestyle during this time of year, look for small but effective habits you can implement. Here are a few tips to help you avoid holiday weight gain:

  • Go for a Walk: Step outside to move your body, enjoy the sunshine, and get your blood pumping. You can walk anywhere, and it doesn’t require any fitness equipment or a trainer. For the best results, warm up and then step up your pace. A quick walking pace (or slow jogging) is a great way to burn calories, bump up your heartrate, and enjoy the neighborhood at the same time.
  • Prepare Healthy Snacks: Avoid the temptation of holiday candy and cookies by having your cupboard and fridge stocked with healthy treats. When the afternoon cravings hit, you can snack on fruit instead of sugar and junk.
  • Find a Fitness Class: Maybe the weather conditions don’t match your preference. If you prefer indoor workouts, then add a social element by finding a fitness class to join. At Fitness Nation, we offer different classes and training opportunities, giving you the chance to connect with other people who are focusing on their health.
  • Meal Planning: You can’t out-exercise bad eating habits. If you want to avoid holiday weight gain, then you need to stay on-track with your meal planning. Put together a menu and dedicate 1 or 2 days a week to prepare your meals in advance. Fill up on lean protein, vegetables, and fruits so it’s easier to say “no” when someone offers you a holiday treat.
  • Bodyweight Exercises: Add 20 minutes of bodyweight exercises to your morning routine for toning and strength. Simple movements such as squats, lunges, pushups, plank, crunches, and other HIIT-style exercises can have you sweating in minutes.
  • Honor Your Sleep Schedule: When the social events go late into the evening, it disrupts your normal sleeping habits. Good sleep is essential for workout recovery, hormone balancing, and many other functions in the body. Be careful to make sure you are getting enough sleep each night, even if it means that you need to leave the party a little early.
  • Get Your Friends on Board: It’s easier to stay on track with your health and fitness goals when you are surrounded by a support team. Talk to your family and friends to see if anyone wants to join your year-end fitness challenge.
  • Write Down Fitness Goals: One secret to avoiding holiday weight gain is to have a plan in place so you can make better choices when tempted through the holiday season. Write a diet and exercise plan and track your results to hold yourself accountable for your choices.
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Quality Fitness Center for the Holidays – And Beyond!

Joining a gym is a simple way you can avoid holiday weight gain. If you need a place to workout, then we invite you to visit our gym and tour the available facilities. We offer all of the equipment and support you need to get in the best shape of your life.

Right now is a great time to start your fitness journey. Join Fitness Nation to invest in your health and stay on track with your health and fitness in the upcoming holiday season. Call today to learn more!

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