
5 Full-Body Weight-Loss Workouts That Torch Calories and Build Strength — Eat This Not That

When it comes to losing weight and getting into shape, full-body workouts are your secret weapon. These exercises target multiple muscle groups simultaneously, which helps you burn more calories and improve overall strength. As a trainer, I often recommend full-body routines because they’re efficient, versatile, and incredibly effective at jumpstarting weight loss.

Incorporating full-body workouts into your routine can boost metabolism and help you torch fat while building lean muscle. These workouts combine strength training and cardio elements, ensuring you maximize every minute of your training. The best part? You can adapt these workouts to your fitness level and perform them almost anywhere.

Below, I’ve outlined five full-body weight-loss workouts that deliver real results. Each workout is designed to challenge your endurance, build strength, and melt away fat, all while keeping your body moving and engaged. Let’s get started!

The Workouts

Workout 1: Circuit Crusher

This high-energy circuit combines bodyweight and dumbbell exercises to keep your heart rate elevated while building strength. The mix of strength and cardio makes it perfect for burning calories and shedding fat.

The Routine:

  • Pushups – 12 reps
  • Dumbbell Squat to Press – 10 reps
  • Burpees – 8 reps
  • Repeat the circuit 3 times with minimal rest between exercises.

1. Pushups

illustration of woman doing pushupsillustration of woman doing pushups

This classic exercise works your chest, shoulders, and triceps while engaging your core for stability. It’s a staple for any full-body routine.

  1. Start in a high plank position with your hands under your shoulders.
  2. Lower your chest toward the ground, keeping your body straight.
  3. Push back up to the starting position.
  4. Perform 12 reps.

2. Dumbbell Squat to Press

illustration of squat to pressillustration of squat to press

This move combines a lower-body squat with an upper-body press, making it a powerhouse for full-body strength and calorie burning.

  1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height.
  2. Lower into a squat, keeping your chest up and back straight.
  3. Push through your heels to stand while pressing the dumbbells overhead.
  4. Perform 10 reps.

3. Burpees

Burpees are the ultimate fat-burning exercise, engaging your entire body while spiking your heart rate.

  1. Start in a standing position.
  2. Drop into a squat and place your hands on the ground.
  3. Jump your feet back into a plank position, then quickly return to the squat.
  4. Explode upward into a jump.
  5. Perform 8 reps.
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Workout 2: Dumbbell Destroyer

Using dumbbells, this workout targets all the major muscle groups while promoting fat loss through high-intensity movements.

The Routine:

  • Dumbbell Deadlifts – 10 reps
  • Renegade Rows – 8 reps per arm
  • Jumping Lunges – 12 reps per leg
  • Repeat the circuit 3 times with 60 seconds of rest between rounds.

1. Dumbbell Deadlifts

illustration of dumbbell deadliftillustration of dumbbell deadlift

Deadlifts strengthen your posterior chain, improve posture, and engage your core for stability.

  1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand in front of your thighs.
  2. Hinge at your hips and lower the weights toward the ground, keeping your back straight.
  3. Push through your heels to return to standing.
  4. Perform 10 reps.

2. Renegade Rows

dumbbell renegade rowdumbbell renegade row

This compound movement combines core stability with back and arm strength, making it a full-body favorite.

  1. Start in a plank position with a dumbbell in each hand.
  2. Row the right dumbbell toward your hip while keeping your body stable.
  3. Lower it back down and repeat with the left arm.
  4. Perform 8 reps per arm.

3. Jumping Lunges

jump lunges illustrationjump lunges illustration

This explosive move burns calories while toning your legs and glutes.
Start in a lunge position with one foot forward and one back.

  1. Jump up and switch legs mid-air.
  2. Land in a lunge on the opposite side.
  3. Perform 12 reps per leg.

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Workout 3: Bodyweight Burner

This equipment-free workout is ideal for those who want to lose weight at home. It’s quick, intense, and effective at burning calories.

The Routine:

  • Mountain Climbers – 30 seconds
  • Plank to Shoulder Taps – 12 reps per side
  • Air Squats – 15 reps
  • Repeat the circuit 4 times, resting for 30 seconds between rounds.

1. Mountain Climbers

mountain climbermountain climber

A cardio-focused core exercise, mountain climbers help burn calories while sculpting your midsection.

  1. Start in a high plank position.
  2. Drive one knee toward your chest, then quickly switch legs.
  3. Continue alternating as fast as possible.
  4. Perform for 30 seconds.

2. Plank to Shoulder Taps

plank shoulder tapsplank shoulder taps

This move strengthens your core, shoulders, and stability, all while toning your arms.

  1. Start in a high plank position.
  2. Lift your right hand and tap your left shoulder, keeping your hips stable.
  3. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
  4. Perform 12 reps per side.

3. Air Squats

bodyweight squatsbodyweight squats
Photo: Shutterstock. Design: Eat This, Not That!

Air squats build strength in your lower body and elevate your heart rate for calorie burn.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lower into a squat, keeping your chest up and weight on your heels.
  3. Return to standing and repeat.
  4. Perform 15 reps.
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Workout 4: Cardio Core Crusher

This workout combines core stability and high-intensity cardio, making it a great choice for burning fat and strengthening your midsection.

The Routine:

  • Jump Squats – 12 reps
  • Spiderman Plank – 8 reps per side
  • High Knees – 30 seconds
  • Repeat the circuit 3 times.

1. Jump Squats

jump squatsjump squats

Jump squats are a lower-body exercise that also works your core and burns calories.

  1. Start in a squat position.
  2. Explode upward into a jump, reaching your hands overhead.
  3. Land softly and return to a squat.
  4. Perform 12 reps.

2. Spiderman Plank

spiderman plankspiderman plank

This dynamic plank variation engages your obliques and hip flexors while strengthening your core.

  1. Start in a forearm plank position.
  2. Bring your right knee toward your right elbow.
  3. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
  4. Perform 8 reps per side.

3. High Knees

high kneeshigh knees

This cardio move elevates your heart rate and engages your core.

  1. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Drive one knee toward your chest, alternating legs quickly.
  3. Perform for 30 seconds.

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Workout 5: Strength & Sweat Superset

This workout pairs strength moves with cardio bursts for a fat-burning, muscle-building challenge.

The Routine:

  • Pushup to Row – 8 reps per arm
  • Burpees – 8 reps
  • Bicycle Crunches – 20 reps
  • Repeat the circuit 3 times, resting for 1 minute between rounds.

1. Pushup to Row

This move combines upper-body strength with core stability for maximum impact.

  1. Start in a high plank position with a dumbbell in each hand.
  2. Perform a pushup, then row one dumbbell toward your hip.
  3. Lower the dumbbell and repeat on the other side.
  4. Perform 8 reps per arm.

2. Burpees

demonstration of burpeedemonstration of burpee
Men’s Fitness

A total-body calorie burner, burpees keep your heart rate elevated while working multiple muscle groups.

  1. Start in a standing position.
  2. Drop into a squat, place your hands on the ground, and jump your feet back into a plank.
  3. Return to the squat and explode upward into a jump.
  4. Perform 8 reps.

3. Bicycle Crunches

woman doing bicycle cruncheswoman doing bicycle crunches

This core-focused move sculpts your abs and obliques while promoting fat loss.

  1. Lie on your back with your hands behind your head.
  2. Lift your shoulders off the ground and bring one knee toward your chest.
  3. Rotate your torso to bring the opposite elbow toward the lifted knee.
  4. Alternate sides for 20 reps.

Tyler Read, BSc, CPT

Tyler Read is a personal trainer and has been involved in health and fitness for the past 15 years. Read more about Tyler

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