
Tearing Your Muscles | Fat Loss

You mean tearing your muscles will actually lead to less body fat?


I thought lifting weights is only going to get me bulky and huge?

I guess I should only do cardio if I’m trying to lose fat?


We all know the best way to build muscle is through resistance weight training, but what most people don’t know it’s also one of the most effective ways to lose fat. What happens is you jump-start your bodies fat burning mechanisms, the scientific term for this is resting metabolic rate.

Why You Want to Create Structural Damage

While you lift those dumbbells your actually creating structural damage to your body. Sounds kind of bad right? Wrong because during the recovery, your body goes into repair and restructure mode. This is also what increases your muscle mass, strength and helps your torch fat.

Basically, what happens is the targeted muscle group has muscle fibers that are torn on a microscopic level. In the recovery of this muscle group, protein synthesis occurs to make the process of growth and rebuilding the muscle possible. Fat tissue and Carbohydrates are actually used to supply vitamins to the muscle group to repair their damaged structural state.  This process in your body takes calories and energy, and guess what? You burn fat by doing this.

Tore Muscles

What is your RMR and Why Should You Care About It?

As stated, working out is not the only thing that burns calories—although it certainly helps. Your RMR is the number of calories that you burn to maintain your vital body processes in a resting state. So even when you are sitting or lying down, you are always burning calories. RMR accounts for around 65 to 75% of your total daily calorie expenditure, which is quite a lot. So if your goal is weight loss, you want to keep your RMR high.

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As stated, working out is not the only thing that burns calories—although it certainly helps. Your RMR is the number of calories that you burn to maintain your vital body processes in a resting state. So even when you are sitting or lying down, you are always burning calories. RMR accounts for around 65 to 75% of your total daily calorie expenditure, which is quite a lot. So if your goal is weight loss, you want to keep your RMR high.

There are also many things that affect your RMR, one of which is your lean body mass (muscle). The more lean muscle you have, the higher your RMR is—and the more muscle you develop, the easier it will be for you to shave off body fat. This is one of the key reasons I have blended strength exercises in the circuit cardio. If you were to lose muscle during heavy dieting or heavy cardiovascular exercise, your RMR would actually go down. However, most diets out there don’t explain this or take it into consideration— instead, it’s all about the diet.

Women often turn away from many workout plans for fear of getting too “large” or “bulky.” But the fact is that keeping lean muscle mass is one of the most important tools for getting lean. It will be nearly impossible for you to look like a body-builder with the workout I have created, so don’t worry! The main goal is to keep your muscles working for you even when you are asleep, therefore making you leaner.

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Micro Tear

Two Types of Muscle Fibers

To utilize this process even further, we must hit both muscle fiber types. There is Type 1 “Slow twitch” muscle fibers, and type 2 “fast twitch” muscle fibers. Slow twitch muscle fibers are utilized during low threshold muscular exercises and aerobic exercises such as running or swimming or any type of cardio.  Fast twitch muscle fibers are used during high threshold muscular exercises such as lifting weights or power lifting or basically any type of resistance training.

To have the highest fat burning ability, the highest value of recovery and muscle rebuilding, it becomes necessary to execute both types of muscle fibers during your workout. Too often people think simple weight loss diet is only means sticking to treadmills, elliptical, and exercises machines, while those looking to bulk up only lift weights. At the end of the day lifting weights will raise your resting metabolic rate, basically meaning you will BURN MORE FAT.


Workout Routines For Men at the Gym to Build Muscle And A well-Rounded Workout

If you want to get the maximum amount of body fat loss you will need to incorporate a healthy amount of resistance weight training to tear down the type 2 muscle fibers, as well as some cardio to train the type 1 slow twitch muscle fibers.  Look at this way by tearing both types of muscle fibers your body becomes a vacuum burning off large amounts of fat and carbohydrates. Having your muscles in a state of recovery all week will boost your metabolism to the highest possible point throughout the week.

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Burn Fat Build Muscle


Basically, even after you leave the gym and you are watching your favorite Netflix show you are stull burning fat!

-Terry Asher

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