
Discover Its Health Benefits: HealthifyMe

Renowned for its culinary properties, rosemary belongs to the mint family and has been prominent in traditional medicine for generations. Rosemary oil is an essential oil derived from the rosemary plant. It is extracted from the plant’s flowers using steam distillation techniques. 

With its woodsy scent, rosemary essential oil is a staple in aromatherapy. However, rosemary oil has a variety of other applications, ranging from curing skin diseases and muscle pains to boosting hair growth. 

Here’s everything one needs to know about rosemary oil, including its benefits for health, uses, and potential side effects. 

Potential Benefits of Rosemary Oil

Promotes Hair Growth

The topical application of rosemary essential oil into the scalp promotes hair growth by 22%. Since it enhances blood circulation in the scalp region, it may provide proper blood supply to hair follicles, preventing hair damage or hair loss. Massaging this essential oil on the scalp, reduces dandruff, promotes new hair growth, prevents hair breakage, and benefits overall hair health. 

Improves Memory

Greek scholars use rosemary essential oil to boost their memory. A new study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience assessed 144 individuals’ cognitive performance when using rosemary oil for aromatherapy. The results show that rosemary improves memory function and mental attentiveness. It contains compounds that are known to enhance cognitive function and memory retention, such as 1,8-cineole and rosmarinic acid. 

Another study examining the effects of aromatherapy with rosemary oil on 28 senior individuals with dementia and Alzheimer’s discovered that the oil’s characteristics could both prevent and reduce the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Relieves Pain

Rosemary oil has anti-inflammatory properties. Because this oil can relieve pain, one might benefit by massaging it into the area of concern. One can apply it for sprains, headaches, arthritis, oedema, and other ailments. 

Eases Stress

Just breathing in the scent of rosemary essential oil can help reduce blood cortisol levels. Anxiety, stress, or any other thought or occurrence that triggers the body’s “fight-or-flight” response can all lead to high cortisol levels. By inhaling over an open bottle or utilising a rosemary essential oil diffuser, one may instantly tackle stress. 

Good for Skin

Rosemary essential oil has strong antibacterial properties that help prevent acne bacteria from infecting the pores. Because of this characteristic, along with its non-comedogenic qualities, rosemary oil unclogs pores and creates a barrier that keeps breakouts from happening again. Essential oils that reduce inflammation, such as rosemary oil, can help reduce redness brought on by rosacea or eczema. 


By promoting circulation on the scalp, rosemary essential oil can boost the growth of new hair significantly. Since rosemary oil enhances memory and cognitive function, it can be a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. Rosemary oil is a popular natural cure for headaches and migraines because of its anti-inflammatory qualities, which can help relieve discomfort and swelling. One can also topically apply rosemary oil to enhance the overall appearance and health of the skin. Overall, rosemary oil is a versatile and potent natural medicine that provides several advantages for both mental and physical health. Because of its antibacterial qualities, rosemary oil is also helpful in treating skin conditions like dermatitis, eczema, and acne.

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Ways to Use Rosemary Oil

  • For relaxation and aromatherapy, add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to an aroma diffuser. 
  • Take a hot bath after filling the tub with a few drops of rosemary oil.
  • Use a diffuser or put a few drops of rosemary oil in a small saucepan or cup of boiling water, then inhale the vapours up to three times a day. Because of the antibacterial qualities of rosemary, it can aid in the relief of throat congestion caused by allergies, colds, or flu. 
  • Mix one teaspoon of carrier oil, like olive, coconut or almond oil, with five drops of rosemary oil to cure abdominal discomfort. Gently massage the mixture over the belly. 
  • Just mix six tablespoons of water and two tablespoons of vodka in a tiny spray bottle, then add ten drops of rosemary oil to make an aromatherapy spray that reduces tension. 


To make an aromatherapy spray that reduces stress, mix six tablespoons of water and two tablespoons of vodka in a tiny spray bottle, then add ten drops of rosemary oil. Make sure to dilute rosemary oil with carrier oil before using it on your face or for massages. To experience the anti-stress effects of rosemary oil’s scent, utilise a diffuser. To combat respiratory infections and congestion, use a diffuser with rosemary oil and inhale the vapour up to three times a day. 

Potential Side Effects of Rosemary Oil

Despite the many advantages of rosemary oil, there are a few possible drawbacks and safety measures to take into account. Such as:

Skin inflammation: For certain people, applying rosemary oil topically may result in skin irritation or an allergic reaction. Before applying rosemary oil topically, perform a patch test. Only use after diluting rosemary oil with an appropriate carrier oil.

Seizures: Camphor, a substance found in rosemary oil, has the potential to cause seizures in certain people. Therefore, people who have epilepsy or a history of seizures should avoid taking rosemary oil.

Respiratory Problems: Breathing in high amounts of rosemary oil can lead to respiratory issues for certain people, particularly those who have asthma or other respiratory disorders.

Unsafe During Pregnancy: Before using rosemary oil, women who are pregnant or nursing should speak with their healthcare professional. Still, avoid using rosemary when pregnant or nursing, as it may have stimulating effects on the uterus and menstrual flow. 

Children: Children younger than two years old should not use rosemary oil. Dilution of rosemary oil is safe for use on children older than two.


Some people, particularly those who have asthma or other respiratory disorders, may experience breathing difficulties when inhaling a large amount of rosemary oil. Others may have skin irritation or an allergic reaction when applying rosemary oil directly to their skin. People who have epilepsy or a history of seizures should avoid taking rosemary oil due to the risk of camphor content in it. Because it can result in uterine contractions, it is best to prevent rosemary oil during pregnancy. For children above two years, use diluted rosemary oil sparingly and under adult supervision. 

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HealthifyMe Suggestion

When you apply rosemary essential oils to your skin, they are quickly absorbed into your bloodstream. Essential oils should be diluted with a neutral oil, such as jojoba oil. The detoxifying properties of rosemary oil, when diluted and used in a massage, can help in healthy digestion, ease flatulence, bloating, and cramps, and treat constipation. This oil increases circulation through massage, allowing the body to better absorb nutrients.

The Final Word

A staple of aromatherapy, rosemary essential oil has a calming, stimulating effect on the body in addition to its delightful aroma. Rosemary oil is an excellent option for enhancing memory retention, lowering stress levels, or taking advantage of aromatherapy’s calming effects. Nevertheless, it’s essential to use rosemary oil sparingly and adhere to suggested dosages to prevent any adverse effects. If taking rosemary oil causes any negative reactions, stop using it right away and seek medical help.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this article is just to disperse knowledge and raise awareness. It does not intend to replace medical advice from professionals. For further information, please contact our certified nutritionists Here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is rosemary oil?

A. Rosemary is a fragrant herb native to the Mediterranean region. Most people use rosemary leaf and oil for food and medicinal purposes. It is also suitable for making soaps, hair lotions, or massage oil. In addition, it has several impressive health benefits.

Q. How is rosemary oil extracted from the herb?

A. According to a journal published by Food Science and Nutrition in 2021, the extraction of rosemary essential oil involves hydro distillation, steam distillation, ultrasound-assisted extraction, molecular distillation, adsorption, supercritical water extraction, carbon dioxide supercritical extraction, and enzyme-assisted extraction.

Q. Are there different varieties of rosemary oil?

A. Yes, there are different varieties of rosemary oil, as there are many types of rosemary plants. They are rosmarinus officinalis var cineole, and rosmarinus officinalis var verbenon. Each has its unique taste, usage, and aroma.

Q. What are the potential health benefits of using rosemary oil?

A. There are numerous potential health benefits of using rosemary oil. Rosemary oil promotes hair regeneration, improves mood and boosts concentration. It also improves digestion, enhances skin health, and has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Q. Can rosemary oil improve memory and cognitive function?

A. Research published by the International Journal of Neuroscience showed that rosemary can improve mood and reduce anxiety. It also increases mental alertness and memory power. It prevents acetylcholine breakdown, a brain chemical that functions to improve mood and increase alertness and concentration.

Q. How does rosemary oil affect hair growth and scalp health?

A. Health experts and scientists strongly suggest rosemary oil encourages hair growth and scalp health. It assists in blocking the adverse effects of DTH. DTH is a testosterone responsible for shrinking hair follicles that leads to hair loss.

Q. What is the role of rosemary oil in aromatherapy and relaxation?

A. Rosemary essential oil is a mainstay in aromatherapy and relaxation. It has a pleasant scent and a soothing effect and can calm the mind and the body.

Q. Can rosemary oil be used to alleviate headaches and migraines?

A. Rosemary oil contains anti-inflammatory qualities. Headaches, sprains, and other inflammatory conditions can be relieved by combining 1 tsp of carrier oil with 4–5 drops of rosemary oil and rubbing the oil into the affected area.

Q. Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with rosemary oil?

A. There are hardly any side effects of rosemary oil, and it is safe for most people. However, when used in large quantities or taken undiluted, it may cause sun sensitivity, skin redness, vomiting, nausea, and other allergic reactions.

Q. How is rosemary oil applied topically or ingested for health benefits?

A. There are different types of rosemary oil. Rosemary extract supplements are available for consumption, while rosemary essential oil is for topical use. Rosemary essential oil is topically applied to benefit the skin or hair.

Q. Can rosemary oil aid in reducing stress and anxiety?

A. Absolutely! Rosemary oil can aid in reducing stress and anxiety. Studies show rosemary oil improves mood and increases alertness and concentration. Just inhaling the aroma of this essential oil can help reduce the cortisol hormone (stress-causing hormones) in the blood.

Q. What scientific research supports the health benefits of rosemary oil?

A. A study on the Therapeutic effects of rosemary, 2020 claimed anti-antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumorigenic, antinociceptive, and neuroprotective properties of rosemary.

Q. How does rosemary oil contribute to respiratory and lung health?

A. Similar to eucalyptus oil, rosemary essential oil contains properties that are beneficial to lung and respiratory health. It works as an expectorant that provides relief from flu, cold, and throat pain. Its antispasmodic effect helps in the treatment of asthma.

Q. What are some common misconceptions or myths about the use of rosemary oil?

A. Some common myths are: Using rosemary regularly will give longer hair instantly. Rosemary may improve the health of your hair, but it is no magic solution. In addition, although rosemary oil is good for hair growth, it will only promote hair growth over time. It is no quick fix.

Research Sources

Edaravone and carnosic acid synergistically enhance the expression of nerve growth factors in human astrocytes under hypoxia/reoxygenation.

Promotion of hair growth by Rosmarinus officinalis leaf extract

The Effect of Inhaling the Aroma of Rosemary Essential Oil on the Pre-Hospital Emergency Personnel Stress and Anxiety: A Quasi-Experimental Study

Optimisation extraction of rosemary essential oils using hydrodistillation with extraction kinetics analysis

Aromas of rosemary and lavender essential oils differentially affect cognition and mood in healthy adults, International Journal of Neuroscience.

Therapeutic effects of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and its active constituents on nervous system disorders

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