
Why Employees Should Participate In Wellness Programs

Employee participation in wellness programs benefits both the employees and the organisations. Wellness programs are varied. For example, in sectors like IT and ITES (Information Technology Enabled Services), sedentary jobs are usual, and wellness apps with activity trackers and nutritional info with digital wellness challenges could be appropriate for the workforce. In high-stress sectors such as hospitality, finance and consulting, wellness programs like yoga and meditation classes could teach better stress management mechanisms. 

Wellness programs can create a positive work environment. A well-designed program attracts participation from employees. As a result, it fosters a sense of community and fellow feeling among employees. Also, wellness programs can play a crucial role in preventing lifestyle diseases, leading to a healthier workforce.

Some wellness programs involve gamified tools and include team-building activities. They foster collaboration and communication, contributing to a positive and cohesive work culture. 

Employee participation in wellness programs is beneficial across various sectors in India. They contribute to improved health, increased productivity, and a positive work environment. The specific focus and components of wellness programs vary based on the industry and the unique needs of the workforce.

Employee Wellness Programs: A Holistic Approach

The workplace is a pivotal setting for health promotion, with a primary focus on stress reduction and enhanced safety measures. Wellness programs involving fitness and nutrition plans instil healthy habits like mindful eating, maintaining hydration levels, being more active, and more. However, the concept of workforce wellness suffers a few setbacks, particularly in terms of awareness and time constraints, impeding active employee participation. 

Employee wellness programs are continuous initiatives tailored to maintain and enhance employee health. Employee wellness programs are successful when they cater to the specific needs and culture of each organisation. By investing in these programs, employers aim to improve employee satisfaction, boost morale, enhance productivity, and reduce healthcare costs associated with preventable illnesses. 

Some examples of universal wellness programs include fitness challenges, customised nutrition plans, and health checkups.

Why Employees Must Pay Heed to Wellness Programs

Employee wellness programs play a critical role in tackling the rising prevalence of preventable diseases and improving mental health among the workforce. 

1. Prevention of Obesity and Noncommunicable Diseases

By 2003, India had started to shift from a high burden of infectious diseases to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). By 2019, NCDs accounted for two-thirds of all deaths in India. NCDs refer to cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and stroke. A corporate wellness program should focus on the prevention, screening, diagnosis, and management of hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

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In India, more than 135 million individuals are obese. The prevalence of obesity in India varies due to age, gender, geographical environment, socioeconomic status, etc. In India, abdominal obesity is one of the significant risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVDs). Various studies have shown that the prevalence of obesity among women was significantly higher as compared to men.

The workforce is a mix of men and women in varying age groups. The age range is between young adults and retirees. With stress, sedentary lives, and unhealthy eating habits, the possibility of NCD looms large over the working populace.

2. Addressing Mental Health Concerns

Mental health issues, including stress, anxiety, and depression, are on the rise in India. Workplace stress further compounds these challenges. Employee wellness programs have proven effective in reducing stress levels and improving overall mental well-being. Organisations prioritising employee health initiatives experience higher engagement levels. These initiatives create a supportive work environment conducive to innovation and collaboration.

3. Cost Savings on Healthcare

Preventable diseases contribute to rising healthcare costs in India. Wellness programs can prevent these diseases and promote early detection. Therefore, it can lead to significant cost savings for both employees and employers. One of the ways to measure the success of a wellness program is to map the reduction in health insurance claims made by employees. 

4. Enhanced Productivity

Health issues adversely affect workplace productivity. Wellness programs contribute to a more focused and productive workforce. Wellness programs incorporating preventive measures, such as regular health checkups and awareness campaigns, result in early detection and intervention. 

Elevate employee engagement and well-being with a comprehensive Corporate Wellness Program that goes beyond the ordinary

Benefits of Employee Participation in Wellness Programs

Employee participation in wellness programs yields numerous advantages for both employees and employers. 

  • Increase fitness level and physical activity.
  • Decrease obesity 
  • Healthier habit formation
  • Increase productivity
  • Boost morale
  • Reduce absenteeism 
  • Prevention and early detection of NCDs
  • Developing a sense of belonging in the company. 

The Parameters Encouraging Employee Participation

The success of wellness programs hinges on sustained employee participation. Despite 87% of employees having access to mental and emotional well-being offerings, a mere 23% engage in them. Strategies like buy-in from departmental heads, understanding specific work roles to incorporate seamless integration of wellness initiatives, goal setting and routine evaluation, social engagement, gamification, and integration with other HR initiatives help sustain employee interest in wellness programs.

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To overcome this obstacle, it is necessary first to understand why employees may be reluctant to participate.

Why Employees Might Resist Wellness Program Participation

Several factors contribute to low employee participation in wellness programs. 

  • Employees often do not feel involved in the process
  • A lack of time for lifestyle changes. 
  • The perceived lack of program relevance
  • Deadlines and nature of the job- e.g. functions like sales and customer service
  • Internalised complexities like taking a wellness break can equate to a lack of dedication.  

All of the above can deter participation. To address these issues, employers must identify strategies to motivate employees to join and stay committed to wellness initiatives.

Organisations struggle with one-size-fits-all well-being programs, often overlooking diverse needs. Inadequate backing from leaders and managers can lead to diminished credibility and enthusiasm for employee wellness initiatives. Over Reliance on external incentives without understanding psychological nuances can also decrease engagement. 

Increasing Employee Participation: Strategies and Solutions

Motivating employees to participate in wellness programs necessitates overcoming barriers and offering relevant incentives. Incentives, though not solely monetary, should acknowledge the significant step of program registration. Allowing employees to choose program activities and keeping initiatives relevant and straightforward.

One way to address the participation factor is to incorporate fitness challenges like step challenges and yoga, which can enhance mental and physical health. The benefits are better physical markers, fitness levels, stamina, flexibility, strength, balance, and concentration. Acknowledge smoking as a global health threat and provide support for those wishing to quit. Such plans are easy to implement, and most employees see value in them. 

Organisations can boost internal motivation by integrating gamification into wellness programs to get participation from desk-bound employees. Strategies included leaderboards, redeemable points, digital badges, and recognising employee success stories to maintain interest and enhance adoption.

Moreover, employees should maintain a strong connection outside the office and contribute to long-term program success. Encourage community involvement through employee volunteer programs, fostering teamwork, increasing morale, and enhancing job satisfaction.

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How Employee Wellness Programs Boost Productivity

Participation in wellness programs not only enhances physical health but also motivates and energises employees. Activities like exercise release endorphins, fostering a positive mindset. These programs encompass mental and emotional well-being, aiding stress management, and preventing burnout. Organisations can use data collection strategies, employing a digital-first approach to measure program impact accurately. AI-driven tools, wearable technology, and robust encryption technologies ensure data security and build employee trust.

For instance, brands like HealthifyMe have impactful corporate wellness programs, blending gamified processes, app-based engagement, and personalised coaching. The program transcends physical health improvements, delivering measurable impacts like a reduction in medical costs and a significant improvement in engagement.

Group activities within wellness programs strengthen team bonds, fostering a positive company culture that attracts top talent. HR plays a crucial role in implementing and encouraging employee participation in these programs.

HR’s Role in Employee Wellness Programs

The implementation and promotion of workplace health are primarily the responsibility of human resources (HR) departments. HR professionals support these initiatives by coordinating company objectives with worker expectations. To guarantee program success, every department has to align with the strategy. 

Suppose an employee needs to take a half-hour break to invest in their health. In that case, effective communication between HR and the respective department can make participation mandatory. Similarly, so that the initiative does not lose steam, the involvement of experts, periodic feedback mechanisms and materials like newsletters, in-app alerts and regular town hall meetings are needed.  

Investing in group health insurance along with wellness programs exemplifies a commitment to employee well-being. These initiatives contribute to a positive company culture, attracting and retaining top talent. 

The Final Word

To unlock the full potential of worksite wellness programs, organisations must create a culture of health, prioritising and promoting healthy behaviours. Healthy and engaged teams experience lower absenteeism, less burnout, and higher motivation. With HR at the forefront of program implementation, organisations can create a culture of health, a necessity for sustained prosperity. These programs not only benefit employees but also contribute to a healthier, more productive work environment, ultimately fostering a successful organisation.

Research Sources

Wellness programmes in the workplace in India

National Health Policy 2017

How Workplace Wellness Programs Can Give Employees the Energy Boost They Need



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