
Best Fat Burners for Women: The Top 5 That Actually Work!

Losing weight can be a tough, uphill battle.

It means constant hunger, tiredness, and a miserable time trying to burn off stubborn body fat that just won’t budge.

I don’t know about you but that doesn’t sound very fun to me.

So, for the past couple of years, I’ve been trying out these supplements called “fat burners”.

The makers claim their products will make losing weight easy by boosting your energy levels, suppressing your appetite, and switching your body into fat burning mode.

Most of them are a scam but there’s a few I found that really do work.

So, without further ado, here’s my list of the top 5 best fat burners for women that actually work:

  1. PhenQ
  2. Leanbean
  3. Hourglass Fit
  4. Trimtone
  5. Instant Knockout

Why did these products make the top 5 and what will they do for you?

Carry on reading to find out!

1: PhenQ


First place on my list of the best fat burners for women goes to PhenQ.

PhenQ is a weight loss pill designed to give you more energy, keep your hunger under control and boost your metabolism for quick weight loss.

Its powerful formula encourages your body to burn stored fat for energy, helping to keep you energized while you lose weight.

PhenQ is ideal if you usually crave starchy or sugary foods because it’s a powerful appetite suppressant that will help you eat less and stick to your diet.

Before I talk about my results using PhenQ let’s take a quick look at the ingredients to see how it works:

How does PhenQ work?

PhenQ is a 100% natural weight loss supplement which is prepared in FDA-approved facilities in the US.

They also sell a range of delicious weight loss shakes that come in chocolate and vanilla flavors.

All the ingredients in the PhenQ weight loss pills are backed by studies and research showing that they really do help with weight loss.

In fact, one study on the main ingredient in PhenQ ‘a-Lacys Reset’ helped users to burn off 7.24% of their body fat!

PhenQ Science

Here’s a quick rundown of the science behind each one.

  • α-Lacys Reset Formula: The main ingredient in PhenQ is α-Lacys Reset Formula. This combination of alpha-lipoic acid and L-cysteine has been scientifically proven to reduce appetite and increase weight loss.
  • Capsimax Plus Blend: This study found that Capsaicinoids, the main ingredient in Capsimax power, suppress appetite and help you burn an extra 50 kcal per day.
  • Nopal: According to this study, Nopal is a powerful appetite suppressant that helps you stay feeling full for longer.
  • Chromium Picolinate: This research study found that Chromium Picolinate is excellent at suppressing appetite.
  • Caffeine Anhydrous: Numerous trials have found that caffeine has a profound effect on energy levels and your body’s ability to burn stored fat.
  • L-carnitine Fumarate: This research found that L-carnitine Fumarate has a dramatic effect on weight loss by increasing the rate that your body burns stored fat for energy.
  • Calcium Carbonate: This study showed that Calcium Carbonate helps preserve lean muscle during dieting, making it ideal for those who want to lose weight.

PhenQ is packed full of research-backed ingredients that support weight loss and customers seem to like it.

Take Taiylah for example who lost 44 lbs. in 3 months thanks to PhenQ!

PhenQ Weight Loss Pills Results

After being impressed with the reviews I decided to give PhenQ a try in combination with their delicious weight loss shakes.

I ended up losing an amazing 17 lbs. (7.71 kg) in just 30 days.

After trying it for myself I honestly feel like PhenQ is the best fat burner for women and is very deserving of the number 1 spot on this list.

Plus, it comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee so you have nothing to lose, apart from some stubborn belly fat!

Click here to visit the official PhenQ website and see what it can do for you!

2: Leanbean


Second place on my list of the top five best fat burners for women goes to Leanbean.

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Leanbean is designed especially for women and is trusted by thousands of women worldwide, including top fitness model and former professional surfer Bree Kleintop.

While Leanbean doesn’t have the raw power of PhenQ, it’s still one of the best weight loss supplements on the market.

It contains powerful, natural ingredients that are scientifically proven to help you burn fat quickly and without side effects.

When combined with a low-calorie diet, and regular exercise, Leanbean will help you get lean, and sexy fast.

Its unique formula helps:

  • Reduce fatigue
  • Increase energy levels
  • Kill junk food cravings
  • Burn off clingy body fat!

So, what exactly makes Leanbean such a great weight loss pill?

Let’s find out.

How Does Leanbean Work?

Unlike most other fat burners for women, Leanbean contains no sources of pure caffeine.

This makes it ideal for those who are sensitive to caffeine or want to avoid the jitters that some other fat burners for women can cause.

Let’s look at the science behind the main ingredients in Leanbean:

  • Glucomannan: The top ingredient in Leanbean is Glucomannan, a special dietary fiber that has been clinically proven to help people lose 5.5 lbs of weight in just 8 weeks and suppress appetite by expanding in your stomach.
  • Garcinia Cambogia: This 2015 study found that Garcinia Cambogia has a positive effect on appetite reduction and weight loss.
  • Green Coffee Bean Extract: Clinical trials have shown that the Chlorogenic acids found in Green Coffee Bean extract can double the rate at which weight loss occurs.
  • Vitamin B6 and B12: Both vitamin B6 and B12 have been clinically proven to increase energy levels and crush fatigue, making them ideal for fast, effective weight loss.

Leanbean’s ingredients are seriously impressive, and customers seem to like it too.

Leanbean Reviews

You can check out more impressive Leanbean reviews on the official website here!

Leanbean also comes with a generous 90-day money-back guarantee so if you try it and it doesn’t work then just send them an email and get your money back!

Click here to learn more about Leanbean and see what it can do for you!

3: Hourglass Fit

Hourglass Fit

Third place on my list of the best fat burners for women goes to Hourglass Fit.

Just like Leanbean, Hourglass Fit is designed especially for women who want to lose weight, feel more confident, and start leading a healthier, more active lifestyle.

This one is more of a gentle fat burner because it doesn’t contain caffeine, so the energy boost it gives you is more subtle and even.

Hourglass Fit is used by thousands of women, including Hollywood actress Rachel Swindler, to get in shape and look great.

Hourglass Fit’s formula considers the fact that women are anatomically different from men and has all the vitamins and nutrients women need to see results from their diet and exercise routine.

Whether you live in the gym or prefer to work out at home, Hourglass Fit will help you lose weight and feel amazing.

Here’s the lowdown on how it works.

How Does Hourglass Fit Work?

Hourglass Fit owes its effectiveness to a range of natural ingredients that have been specifically chosen for their ability to support women’s health and promote safe, natural weight loss.

Let’s briefly run through the science behind the top ingredients in Hourglass Fit:

  • Konjac Root Extract (Standardized to 90% Glucomannan): The star ingredient in Hourglass Fit is Konjac Root Extract. It has been standardized to 90% Glucomannan. This is the exact same ingredient found in Leanbean and is backed by the same research proving that it will help you lose weight and suppress your appetite.
  • Cayenne Pepper Extract (as Capsimax): This research found that Cayenne pepper helps you burn more calories per day while simultaneously suppressing your appetite.
  • Chromium Picolinate: Chromium Picolinate is fantastic at reducing cravings for sugary foods, according to this study, making it great for weight loss.
  • Vitamin B6 and B12: Numerous clinical studies have shown that both vitamin’s help fight fatigue and boost energy levels.
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Hourglass Fit’s ingredients are extremely impressive, and customers seem to like it too.

Hourglass Fit Review

I would encourage you to visit the Hourglass Fit reviews page here because they have some great testimonials and videos worth checking out.

I think Hourglass Fit is one of the best weight loss pills for women.

Even though it doesn’t contain caffeine it will still improve your energy levels, suppress your appetite, and help you lose weight.

And you’ll be delighted to know that Hourglass Fit comes with an easy return policy.

If you aren’t 100% satisfied, simply return any unopened tubs and you’ll get a full refund!

Click here to learn more about Hourglass Fit and see what it can do for you!

4: Trimtone


Fourth place on my list of the top five best fat burners for women goes to Trimtone.

Trimtone as the name suggests is a natural fat burner made for women who want to get trim and toned, fast.

It encourages your body to burn fat while simultaneously cancelling your cravings for unhealthy foods.

Trimtone helps to boost your metabolism, making it far easier for you to burn calories and lose weight.

How Does Trimtone Work?

Trimtone is a once-a-day formula.

This means there’s no complicated dosing schedule to follow.

Just take one capsule with breakfast and enjoy the energy boosting, appetite suppressing, fat burning benefits all day long.

Let’s look at the top ingredients in Trimtone and see what they do:

  • Caffeine Anhydrous: Several scientific trials have shown that caffeine has a pronounced effect on mood, motivation, concentration, and weight loss.
  • Green Coffee Extract: According to this study, green coffee extract doubles the effectiveness of weight loss when taken in conjunction with a calorie-controlled diet.
  • Green Tea Extract: Female test subjects who took green tea extract in this placebo-controlled trial reduced their waists by an average of 2.2 inches!

While there’s no doubt that the ingredients in Trimtone are effective, my main gripe is that it contains so little Glucomannan – just 100 mg!

According to research from leading EU health regulators, the minimum clinically effective level of Glucomannan is 3,000 mg/day.

However, the other ingredients are solid and Trimtone customers seem to like them.

Trimtone Customer

When I took Trimtone the biggest benefit I got was the energy boost.

But it didn’t do much to suppress my appetite which is probably because it contains so little glucomannan.

I would recommend checking out PhenQ before Trimtone, but I still think it’s a good product.

Trimtone really stands out with its 100-day money-back guarantee which means that if you aren’t completely satisfied, you can get a full refund.

Click here to learn more about Trimtone and see what it can do for you!

5: Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout

Fifth place on my list of the best fat burners for women goes to Instant Knockout.

Although this powerful fat burner was originally developed for boxers and MMA fighters, it’s NOT just for men!

It works equally well for women who want to get rid of unwanted fat and is a great choice if you like to do intense workouts.

Whether you just want to lose a few pounds or get in the best shape of your life, Instant Knockout can help.

This powerful fat burner will suppress your appetite, boost your energy levels, and make burning fat look easy.

How Does Instant Knockout Work?

Instant Knockout works in three main ways. It increases your metabolism, suppresses your appetite, and boosts your energy levels.

This potent supplement encourages your body to burn stored body fat and helps you stay alert and engaged while you’re cutting calories and eating clean.

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Fortunately, it does all this using natural ingredients that are listed on the label:

Let’s look at the main ingredients and the science behind them:

  • Glucomannan (konjac root): Each service of Instant Knockout contains 1,800mg of Glucomannan, a naturally occurring fiber that has a proven ability to burn fat. It’s a powerful appetite suppressant too, because it expands in your stomach helping you feel full.
  • Green Tea Extract: Data from these 11 clinical studies shows that this natural leaf extract can increase fat oxidation and fat burning by up to 16%! It contains bioactive polyphenols called catechins that dramatically increase metabolism and energy levels.
  • Cayenne Powder: The main active compound in Cayenne powder, Capsaicin, has been shown in a clinical study to suppress appetite and help reduce body weight.

As you can see, Instant Knockout contains no testosterone-boosting ingredients and has nothing that will produce unwanted side effects in women.

While the amount of Glucomannan per serving (1,800mg) is lower than the amount the EU health regulators recognize as being clinically effective (3,000 mg), I’m very impressed by how Instant Knockout combines this ingredient with other proven fat burners like Green Tea extract and Cayenne powder.

Customers seem to like it too!

Like Chelsea Medina who tried Instant Knockout after having tried many other weight loss pills and getting no results.

Instant Knockout helped her breakthrough her plateau and switched off her junk food cravings which led to rapid fat loss.

So far, she’s lost 30 lbs and highly recommends Instant Knockout to anyone who wants to lose weight.

Instant Knockout Review

If you have a minute, then I 100% recommend visiting the Instant Knockout for women reviews page on the official website here and checking out all the amazing before and after pictures!

Instant Knockout was originally made to help boxers and MMA fighters get in shape and lose weight before fights so it’s powerful stuff and you can really feel it working.

Click here to learn more about Instant Knockout and see what it can do for you!

The Top 5 Best Fat Burners for Women Recap

So, those are the 5 best fat burners for women.

It’s been a long post, so I thought I’d write a little recap for you below of the top 5 products:

  1. PhenQ – The best all round product for weight loss. It’s a powerful appetite suppressant, energy booster, and fat burner all in one. Get yours here.
  2. Leanbean – Specifically for women, this popular fat burner is safe and effective and has some amazing testimonials worth checking out. Get yours here.
  3. Hourglass Fit – Perfect if you’re sensitive to caffeine and want to lose weight because it doesn’t contain any. It might not be the best for boosting energy, but it has an effective formula for weight loss and lots of testimonials. Get yours here.
  4. Trimtone – Get trim and toned with this fat burner made for women. It’s not the best for suppressing appetite but it’s great for boosting energy and contains several fat burning ingredients. Get yours here.
  5. Instant Knockout – Perfect if you like to do intense workouts and want to get lean and sexy. Great for suppressing appetite, boosting energy and a powerful fat loss formula. Get yours here.

Don’t forget that all the products on this list come with money back guarantees so if you’re not impressed with any of them then you can get your money back!

If I could recommend just one product on this list it would be PhenQ because it helped me lose 17 lbs. in just 30 days.

Click here to go straight to the official PhenQ website to learn more about what it will do for you!

Thanks for checking out my article on the 5 best fat burners for women and good luck on your weight loss journey!

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