
The Ultimate 7 Day Gym Diet Plan

When it comes to nutrition, things can become overly complicated. However, it is clear that nutrition has a huge impact on the progress that you make in the gym.

This article will highlight a number of considerations that must be made and applied in order to bring about substantial changes.

In addition, it will also serve as a resource and highlight the nutrient rich foods that one should incorporate in their daily gym diet plan.

Foods To Add To Your Gym Diet Plan

There are mainly three macronutrients that play a crucial role in maintaining bodily functions and even promote changes in strength and composition – they are carbs, proteins, and fats and it is essential that we consume all three macros in ample quantities to optimize progress accordingly.

Let’s see what are the vital nutrients you must include in your gym diet plan for muscle gain and weight loss.


Firstly, carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for the body and therefore play the most substantial role in fueling exercise. There are two different types of carbohydrates i.e. complex and simple. The names give an indication of the time taken to digest complex carbs that take a longer time period to digest than simple carbs.

Furthermore, complex carbohydrates provide the body with prolonged slow-release of energy and have a great nutritional benefit. While simple carbohydrates provide the body with a short-term, fast releasing energy, they contain little nutritional value.

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Therefore, you should consume complex carbohydrates for example whole-grains, beans, nuts, fruits, and vegetables for maintaining a proper gym diet plan.



Specifically, the majority of gym-goers will be well aware that consuming protein is important. Likewise, the reason why protein is so important is because it plays a key role in recovery and repair. A gym diet plan must include protein. During exercise, the body is exposed to strains and stresses.

This cause damage to occur to the muscles at a microscopic level. So, in order to repair the damage, protein is needed. Without it, recovery periods will be extended and chronic fatigue may become a factor.

Protein is found most highly in animal produce such as lean meats, eggs & dairy. Similarly, it can also be found in smaller quantities in foods such as seeds, nuts, legumes, beans, and soy.


healthy fats

Fats are often incorrectly seen as the primary reason for fat gain. However, fats are not responsible for this and actually play a key role in the absorption and transport of nutrients. In addition, they can have a positive impact on heart health and hormone production.

While fats can have a positive impact on health, there are several types of fat – some of which are of greater benefit than others in gym diet plans. Recently studies have shown that saturated fats are not as harmful as once believed, you should mainly focus primarily on unsaturated fats.

Examples of unsaturated fat foods include avocados, seeds, nuts, peanut butter, fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel), oils (olive, peanut), and soy products that you can include in your gym diet plan.

Gym Diet – Pre-Workout Foods

Focus on carbohydrates as all pre-workout meals or snacks to provide the body with energy to last the full session. So, if energy levels are sub-optimal, then performance will suffer and have a consequent impact on our rate of adaptation.

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Thus, to prime the body for performance, consume complex carbohydrates, for example whole-grains, oats, beans, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Also, be aware not to consume them just before the workout as they take time to digest. The recommendation is to consume complex carbs one to two hours prior to exercise to allow for full digestion.

Next, focus on simple carbohydrates in a gym diet plan as they take less time to digest and provide the body with energy. It may even be recommended to consume some simple carbs during a workout to maintain energy levels and performance.

For example, white bread, jam, granola, cereal, sports drinks, and fruit are all viable options for a pre-workout, energy-boosting snack.

While the focus should predominantly be on carbohydrates, nevertheless it is also important to consume some protein prior to stepping into the gym. So, to support muscle recovery and growth, protein levels should be maintained at a high level throughout each day.

Gym Diet – Post-Workout Foods

The purpose of post-workout nutrition is two-fold, firstly, to promote muscle recovery and secondly to replenish energy. Therefore, the focus should once again be on consuming good quality protein and carb foods.

As previously reflected on, the stress of training causes micro tears to occur to the muscles that must be repaired. So, consuming protein will cause a process known as muscle protein synthesis (MPS) to occur accordingly. It will also begin the repairing process and prevent muscle breakdown.

Furthermore, there is a widely held belief that protein timing is extremely important for maximizing growth. However, a number of recently based studies have indicated that total daily protein intake is of greater importance than the timing.

Therefore, High-protein foods such as lean beef, chicken, pork, turkey, eggs, dairy, seeds, quinoa, and nuts should be prioritized. Also, protein supplements, like protein shakes and bars, can serve as a convenient tool for effectively boosting protein intake.

Carbohydrates should also form part of post-workout nutrition as the energy that has been expended during exercise must be replaced. Your Gym Diet plan for muscle gain must include the necessary nutrients.

Also for a proper Gym diet plan, it is advised to consume protein and carbs together as this will have the most pronounced impact on recovery. Thus, this enhances protein and glycogen (energy) synthesis. Moreover, a ratio of 3:1 carb to protein is prescribed for optimizing recovery.

Ideal 7 Day Gym Diet Chart Plan

While calories and macronutrients are important, the ideal gym diet must be one that positively influences health. This is a diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals where all three macronutrients are consumed and nutrient-sparse foods are restricted.

Meanwhile, let’s find a 7-day gym diet plan for you:

Gym Diet Plan Chart – Day 1

Breakfast Oats Banana Pancakes with
Protein Shake
Lunch Multigrain roti along with palak chicken and Avocado bell pepper salad
Pre-Workout Snack Bananas
Brown rice, peas paneer curry, sprouts vegetable salad

Gym Diet Plan Chart – Day 2

Breakfast Oatmeal with Greek Yogurt & Seasonal fruits
Mango Juice
Lunch Multigrain roti, fish curry, vegetable salad
Pre-Workout Snack Toast with Jam
Broken wheat khichidi along with carrot raita, egg white, and vegetable salad

Gym Diet Plan Chart – Day 3

Breakfast Poached Eggs
Whole Grain Toast
Protein Shake
Lunch Quinoa upma, chicken and broccoli salad
Pre-Workout Snack Mixed Nuts & Dried Fruits
Lean Beef and vegetable curry, brown rice, cucumber raita
Baby Potatoes
Chocolate Milk

Gym Diet Plan Chart – Day 4

Breakfast Oatmeal with Honey
Apple Juice
Lunch Grilled Chicken
Whole Grain Bread
Pre-Workout Snack Toast with Peanut Butter
Methi Chicken
Brown Rice
Protein Shake

Gym Diet Plan ChartDay 5

Breakfast Scrambled Egg
Whole Grain Toast
Lunch Grilled chicken vegetable roti rolls
Green Salad
Pre-Workout Snack Mixed Nuts & Dried Fruits
Chicken Stir Fry
Spring Onion, Peppers & Broccoli
Chocolate Milk

Gym Diet Plan ChartDay 6

Breakfast Oatmeal
Whole Grain Toast
Orange Juice
Lunch Whole Grain Chicken Wrap
Black Beans, Peppers & Greek Yogurt
Pre-Workout Snack Apple with peanut butter
Keema bhurji and multigrain rotiLean Beef Mince
Sweet Potato
Protein Shake

Gym Diet Plan ChartDay 7

Breakfast Oatmeal with Nuts
Lunch Whole wheat pasta with chicken and
Green Salad
Pre-Workout Snack Granola or Cereal
Fish curry, boiled green peas salad
Brown Rice
Garden Peas

On the whole, the above guide will prove to be useful, yet be aware that when it comes to nutrition, everyone is different. Not only will physical attributes determine your nutritional requirements, the goals that you have set will also influence your diet.

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For example, two goals that are extremely common are fat loss and muscle growth. So, in order to lose fat, calories must be restricted which will cause stored body fat to be broken down. On the other hand, as for muscle growth, calorie intake must be increased to build significant muscle size as additional calories are required to accelerate the recovery process. A gym diet plan must be a combination of micro and macro nutrients.

Meanwhile, macro-nutrient demands for both fat loss and muscle growth are similar. Firstly, protein intake should remain high for both. For muscle growth, protein is evidently required for building mass. Hence, the role of protein in fat loss is to prevent muscle tissue breakdown as far as possible.

So, carbohydrates are extremely important in energy and replenishment. Therefore, those looking to lose weight and build muscle should get the majority of their calories from carb sources.  

While consuming healthy fats is important, nevertheless reducing the total amount of fat consumed helps to most effectively restrict calories. This is because, at nine calories per gram, fats contain the greatest number of calories per gram. For example, protein and carbohydrates both contain four calories per gram.

Foods to Avoid in Your Gym Diet Plan

In the same way that proper nutrition has the potential to optimize performance and adaptation, improper nutrition can detrimentally affect progress and health. The following three foods should be avoided or limited as far as possible.

For instance, trans fats are a type of dietary fat that has consistently been shown to impact health. While trans fats do naturally occur in small quantities, artificial trans fats are notoriously hazardous. Artificial trans fats can be found in baked goods, fast food, and many snack foods.

Similarly, many simple carbohydrate foods do not have great nutritional value and contain a high amount of sugar. While they may be useful for a short term energy boost, consuming a large number of simple carbs can be detrimental.

Eating a great quantity of simple carbohydrates will spike blood sugar levels initially. However, very quickly, blood sugar levels will nosedive and can leave you feeling lethargic which is less than optimal for exercise and performance.

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Although technically not a food, alcohol is a substance that should also be limited as far as possible. Since there is much research to indicate that alcohol negatively impacts recovery and may even interfere with the muscle-building process, it might be good to stay away from it. So, it is not great to include it when you are detoxifying with your gym diet plan.

Nutrition Do’s and Don’ts

This final section will highlight a number of do’s and don’ts to help keep you on the right track with your nutrition for optimal results of your gym diet plan.


  • Consume all 3 macronutrients
  • Ensure that you are eating a wide range of fruit and vegetables for comprehensive consumption of vitamins and minerals
  • Especially choose complex carbs over simple carbs
  • Ensure that you are consuming protein regularly throughout the day
  • Consume unsaturated fats over saturated and trans fats
  • Moderate your consumption of produce that will negatively impact health and gym progress
  • Maintain hydration levels accordingly


  • Cut a macronutrient from your diet as all are required for specific functions
  • Skip meals, especially in the lead up to or after a workout
  • Eat a “heavy” complex carb meal too close to beginning a workout
  • Rely too heavily on simple carbs to fuel performance
  • Make poor nutritional choices for the sake of gaining calories


In brief, it is now clear that there are many aspects of nutrition that must be considered when it comes to optimizing gym progress and to generally improving health. Thus, following the Gym Diet plan and recommendations outlined in this article will allow you to make substantial changes to your performance and health.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What is the best diet for gym?

A. Learn about The Ultimate 7-Day Gym Diet Plan and ensure a positive impact on your health. 

Q. What are the 3 foods you should never eat?

A. The 3 white evils that you should refrain from eating are White Sugar, White Flour and White Salt. 

Q. Are bananas good for the gym?

A. Yes, you can eat a banana 10-15 minutes prior to workout. They are rich in carbs that eliminate the risk of weakness and fatigue, rich in antioxidants and potassium that prevents muscle cramps in the body. So, all in all, bananas are great to consume before your workouts.

Q. What is a good protein rich breakfast?

A. A good protein rich breakfast should keep you satiated and regulate your blood sugar levels. Some good protein rich breakfasts are oatmeal with nuts and fruits, banana protein smoothie, chickpea cheala, Scrambled eggs and whole wheat toast etc.

Q. Which food is body building food?

A. Proteins are primarily responsible for building muscles. Some foods that are rich in these are meats, eggs, dairy, and cottage cheese. 

Q. Is milk good for building muscle?

A. Yes, it is an excellent source of calories and protein. So, milk can support muscle growth and replenish the body with energy. 

Q. What should I drink after a workout?  

A. It is essential that you stay hydrated. It not just detoxes your body but also provides you with the fluid that drains out of your body as sweat. You can have water, herbal teas, electrolyte drinks, coconut water, fruit and vegetable juices, whey protein shakes etc. 

Q. Can I eat immediately after workout?

A. A wise decision is to wait for at least 15- 30 minutes after your workout. Include the right amounts of carbohydrate and protein based foods to replenish your body with energy. 

Q. Can we drink cold water after a workout?

A. Your body generates heat when you workout. The purpose is to increase the core body temperature and sweat out. After the workout your body might be in a dehydrated state and drinking cold/room temperature  water  can replenish and hydrate your body quickly. 

Q. What should I eat 30 minutes before the gym?

A. You can snack on light foods that will benefit you during the workout session. Eating a banana, yoghurt or granola bar can be ideal before you start exercising.

Q. Which fruit is good after gym? 

A. The right food after gym can multiply your chances to receive the benefits of an intense workout. Fruits like Bananas, dates, pineapple, avocados and Kiwis can be great for you. 

Q. Which juice is good after going to the gym?

A. Freshly made fruit juices are great for relieving post workout soreness. Coconut Water, lychee and peach juices, watermelon or even pineapple juice is good for you.

Q. How many eggs should I eat after a workout?

A. There is no fixed number as such. It depends on your overall calorie and protein needs per day and the number of meals that you consume. 

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